====== Archive ====== List of previous meetings:\\ [[location:silicon_valley:2006-06-12|06/12/2006]] | [[14.08.2006 Silicon Valley|08/14/2006]] ([[14.08.2006 Silicon Valley Notes|notes]]) | [[location:silicon_valley:2006-11-06|11/06/2006]] | [[29.01.2007 Silicon Valley|01/29/2007]] | [[16.04.2007 Silicon Valley|04/16/2007]] | [[18.06.2007 Silicon Valley|06/18/2007]] | [[location:silicon_valley:2007-08-13|08/13/2007]] | [[location:silicon_valley:2007-10-08||10/08/2007]] | [[location:silicon_valley:2008-02-11|11/02/2008]] ====== When ====== April 21, 2008\\ 6.30pm (doors open)\\ Please RSVP below or on [[http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/297938|Upcoming]] or [[http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=7959317099|Facebook]]. ====== Where ====== Citizen Space\\ 425 Second St., #300\\ San Francisco, CA 94107\\ http://citizenspace.us ====== Agenda ====== ===== 6.30-7.00pm - Arrival ===== //Arrival...// ===== 7.00-8.00pm - Presentations, Demos ===== //Quick talks...// Topics go here (10 minutes each) * Welcome! Thanks to our generous host, [[http://citizenagency.com/about-citizen-agency/|Citizen Agency]]. While you're at it, check out [[http://coworking.pbwiki.com/|Coworking]] (also available in [[http://coworking.pbwiki.com/#Germany|Germany]] in Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich, and Berlin)! Also, thanks to our sponsors (listed below). Finally, there are a dozen ways to [[http://www.webmontag.de/blog/2008/04/01/web-montag-gruppen-im-uberblick-stand-april-2008/|connect]] with the Web Monday community across the web. And with that, enjoy your evening! * Expansion of Silicon Valley companies to Europe: 5 min about the Web scene in Berlin/Germany and what [[http://www.blc.berlin.de/media|Berlin Partner]] can do for your company (Alexander Kölpin) * [[http://www.socialprojectmanagement.com|Social Project Management]] - Why Inbox-Zero is the better way! ([[http://www.linkedin.com/in/holgerrath|Holger Rath]] & [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/larszapf|Lars Zapf]] - [[http://www.simprove.de|Simprove]]) * Announcing Project Z ([[http://www.intellitics.com/blog/2008/04/22/announcing-project-z/|Blog]], [[http://www.slideshare.net/planspark/announcing-project-z|Slideshare]]) ([[Tim Bonnemann]]) ===== 8.00-9.30pm - Shmoozing ===== //Chilling...// We may head over to a pub/bar nearby for socializing and drinks afterwards. Stay tuned for details! ====== Sponsors ====== //As always, a big thanks to our sponsors...// * Berlin Partner GmbH -- http://www.berlin-partner.de and http://www.blc.berlin.de/media ====== Participants ====== //I'll be there for sure!// **Total # of RSPVs: 40+ (across the wiki, [[http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/297938|Upcoming]] and [[http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=7959317099|Facebook]])** - [[Tim Bonnemann]] - Lars Zapf ([[https://www.xing.com/profile/Lars_Zapf|xing]] / [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/larszapf|LinkedIn]]) - Holger Rath ([[https://www.xing.com/profile/Holger_Rath2|xing]] / [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/holgerrath|LinkedIn]]) - Alexander Kölpin ([[https://www.xing.com/profile/Alexander_Koelpin|xing]] / [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/koelpin|LinkedIn]]) - [[Frederik Hermann]] ([[https://www.xing.com/profile/Frederik_Hermann|Xing]] / [[http://www.only7digits.com/|JAJAH]]) - Daniel Grözinger ([[https://www.verwandt.de/|verwandt.de]]) - Sven Schmidt ([[https://www.verwandt.de/|verwandt.de]]) - Claudia Mallin ([[https://www.xing.com/profile/Claudia_Mallin | Xing]] / [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudiamallin|LinkedIn]]) - Carsten Rübsaamen [[https://www.xing.com/profile/Carsten_Ruebsaamen | Xing]] – [http://www.ventureroadtrip.com] - Ralf Schmelter [[https://www.xing.com/profile/Ralf_schmelter] | Xing]] – [http://www.ventureroadtrip.com] - Jan Beckers[[https://www.xing.com/profile/Jan_Beckers] | Xing]] – [http://www.JanBeckers.com] - Steffen Zoller [[https://www.xing.com/profile/Steffen_Zoller] | Xing]] – [[http://www.betreut.de]| Betreut.de]] - Marco Schmoecker [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/marco|LinkedIn]] - Simon Dawlat [[http://www.virtualgoodz.com/|Virtualgoodz]] - Joerg Lamprecht [[https://www.xing.com/profile/Joerg_Lamprecht | Xing ]] - Annelies Vanoppen [[ https://www.xing.com/profile/Annelies_Vanoppen | Xing ]] - Johannes Ziegler [[ http://www.miaplaza.com | miaplaza]] - Philipp Weidenhiller ([[ http://www.spickmich.de | spickmich.de]]) - Manuel Weisbrod ([[ http://www.spickmich.de.com | spickmich.de]]) - Marius Ciortea ([[http://twitter.com/radu43 | Twitter]]) - Matthäus Krzykowski ([[http://hmmaha.com | HmmAha]]) ====== Undecided ====== //I'd really like to go but I'm not sure yet if I can make it (please revise as the date draws closer, thanks!).// * Your name ([[http://www.webmontag.de|Blog]]) * Marco H. ([[http://www.quizzr.de |Quiz]]) ====== Remote audience ====== //I can't come but will follow the evening via the web (as much as that's possible).// * Your name ([[http://www.webmontag.de|Blog]]) * [[Mark Gössel]] [[http://www.cleantech-europe.com|Cleantech]] * [[ Thomas Schulze]] [[http://www.spirofrog.de|Spirofrog]] ====== What is Web Monday? ====== Web Monday was started in late 2005 in an effort to help spread those sunny Silicon Valley vibes to Germany. It's an informal, community-driven event that aims to connect the German web 2.0 and internet startup scene. Since its inception, Web Monday has spread fast: [[History|meetings]] are now being held in 30+ cities all across Germany on a regular basis and have attracted 1,000+ repeat participants so far. Meetings have also been held in Austria, Silicon Valley and on Second Life. Very broadly put, Web Monday is about the future of the internet (especially insofar as it may be invented in Germany). Anyone involved in web 2.0 or neighboring fields who has an interest in German-US business (or any kind of “bridging” between the two, for that matter) is most welcome to join. Whether you are from Germany and live and work in the Bay Area (and want to help spread the good vibes), or whether you're from here and would like to connect with folks from overseas -- Web Monday Silicon Valley is your chance to present your product, your service, your startup, or your next big idea to a growing audience of German web aficionados (some local, some watching via the web). Plus, there's food and drinks! ====== To Do ====== //Things to take care of beforehand.// This may or may not include the following: * Find venue * Find sponsors * Designated time-keeper (anyone want to volunteer?) * Name tags * Wi-fi * Audio recording (podcast) * Video recording * Live video streaming * Projector * Snacks/Pizza * Refreshments (beer, wine, water, softdrinks etc.) ====== Feedback ====== //Good? Bad? Suggestions? Ideas?// ====== Echo ====== //Please note here what others are saying elsewhere.// * 2008/04/22 -- Intellitics Blog: [[http://www.intellitics.com/blog/2008/04/22/announcing-project-z/|Announcing Project Z]]