About: Web Monday is an informal gathering (in Germany) aimed at bringing together users, developers, entrepreneurs, researchers, web pioneers, bloggers, podcasters, designers, venture capitalists and other folks interested in web 2.0 (in the broadest sense). The goal is to better connect the larger web 2.0 scene in Germany as well as enable and improve transatlantic idea exchange between Germany and the US (and – hopefully – bring some of those good Silicon Valley vibes to Germany).
Since its inception in November, Web Monday has spread fast: meetings are now being held in a number of German cities (among them 6 of the nation's top 10 biggest) on a regular basis and have attracted several hundred repeat participants so far (see some statistics here).
Who should come: For this first Web Monday Silicon Valley, anyone involved in web 2.0 or neighboring fields who is interested in German-US business (or any kind of “bridging” between the two, for that matter) is most welcome to join: If you're a German who lives and works here in Silicon Valley, or an American with ties to Germany, whether you want to tap into the German web 2.0 scene or help us get ahead – please come!
I really enjoyed the Web Monday in Mountain View. Personally I like the smaller events as it allows everyone to talk with each other. Interesting group and a lot of good ideas. Hope we can repeat it soon. Personally I would like to hear more about innovative Web 2.0 projects going on in Germany. Maybe we can arrange a joint Silicon Valley / Germany meeting using Web conferencing.
Matthias Zeller
I agree – there are lots of networking meetings in the Valley and this was clearly one of the best. Everyone had something new and relevant to share. I hope there will be more Web Monday's in Mountain View!
Johannes Ziegler
I really enjoyed meeting everyone and hearing about the different projects everyone is working on. I like the idea of doing a joint Silicon Valley/Germany meeting - I can talk to Malte Dreyer, my business partner in Luebeck, and we can figure out a good way to set up an online exchange if people are interested.
Benay Dara-Abrams
Note here what others are saying elsewhere about Web Monday Silicon Valley.
Also, find some pictures here:
Monday, June 12, 2006
@ 7.00pm
Upcoming: http://upcoming.org/event/80991/
Financial Navigator, Inc.
883 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Suite D-100
Mountain View, CA 94043
Web: http://www.financialnavigator.com
Directions: Google Maps
Demos, presentations, talks…
I suggest we go to the Tied House in downtown Mountain View for drinks afterwards. I'll check availability I have made reservations for 20 people. (Tim).
Other suggestions welcome.
I'll be there for sure (06/12/2006)!
I'd like to go. Not sure yet if I can make it.
I can't come but will follow the evening via the web.
Please let us know if you have any questions or issues you want to see covered, thanks!
You can note here any questions you have, topics you want to see covered. Tell us what you're interested in!
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I'm Gernot Poetsch, I co-organized the Webmontag in Dresden (it was great, btw ) and I have a very personal proposal to bring an (admittedly very tiny) part of the german web2.0-scene closer to the Silicon Valley: Two weeks ago I graduated from the Dresden University of Technology and my current goal is to find a job for half a year or a year (maybe even longer…) in the US to gain some foreign experience. I studied media computer science, am very interested in web2.0 technologies and social software and have a lot of experience in (among other things) Cocoa programming on MacOS X. As my diploma thesis I made an OSX-aggregator for multimedia content and metadata in XML-Feeds, which I also presented at the Webmontag in Dresden. If anyone can help with tips on the best way for me to work in the US for a limited time, or even knows someone who may have a job for me I would really appreciate it. Please contact me at webmontag(at)poetsch.org if you want more information on me and what I do, so I don't have to spam this wiki too much
Have fun on the Webmontag, it was a great event here in Dresden, and I hope it will be at least as good at your place! - Gernot